Web UI/UX Design
Communicating through UI/UX design

User Interface Design

The human mind is hard-wired to find patterns even where there are none. When we first experience a website, we think we know where to click. And we get frustrated if things are not where we think they are supposed to be. We can take advantage of this phenomenon by choosing the right user interface.

01 — Conceptualize

We identify the hidden preferences to understand the problem after analysing the competitor research.

02 — Visual Guidelines

We define the elements to be used for performing the interactions with the users. It includes almost all the visual aspects of the design.

03 — Prototype

All the usability problems and comments are noted now. And we try to eliminate all the issues at this phase.

04 — A/B testing

Evaluate the developed prototypes if it is easy to use and functioning as per the designed wireframe.

05 — Developer Hand-off

98% accuracy between the UI approved and final developed version is maintained.

User Experience Design

User experience design is the process of designing products that provides you with personally experiences. This is achieved with a lot of research on people's preferences, the design of the product's usability and the feel experienced by the consumers upon using it.

01 — Understand

We believe that the first step to solve a problem is to understand the problem.

02 — Research

We engage in thorough research of users and competitors.

03 — Ideate

We kick off the design process with rigorous ideation.

04 — Sketch the idea

We draw a primary draft first. Then we redraw and redraft it until an unmatched user experience is derived.

05 — Design

We will ensure that our ideas are translated into functional designs.

06 — Re-design

We validate our designs through testing and feedback to deliver a solution to fulfil your needs.

Fresh and Elegant UI/UX design with optimum optimization attracts more visitors and helps you communicate better.

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